Choose the diamond earrings properly for your lady love


Are you planning to woo her with a pair of beautiful diamond earrings? We will give you some tips for choosing the best diamond earrings for her.

  • Fix your budget first: Have you fixed a budget? If you can afford the whole world for her, then also you must have a budget. Fix a budget according to your financial condition and of course the occasion on which you are presenting her this! If the occasion is as rare as an engagement, then your budget should go high!
  • Choose the metal wisely: Metal choice is one of the most important aspects of buying a pair of diamond earrings for your lady. Try to know if she is allergic to certain metals. You do not want to hurt her by gifting a precious yet unsuitable jewellery, right? The color of the metal is also another important aspect that you need to maintain. You must know her favorite color or the theme you have arranged for your engagement. Go by that and she will feel special. But above all, give preference to her choice. If she loves the classic clear white diamond, don’t think twice and go for that. Metal weight is also an important aspect. It is not a ring but a pair of earrings and she needs to bear that all day long! So you have to choose something light in weight yet beautiful! Also give preference to her choice and buy according to that.
  • Settings style matters: If you are buying a pair of studs for her, then the setting style will automatically be the classic one. You can also ask the designer to show you some different cuts and styles as per your choice. You can explain which type of stud you are looking for. Ask them to show their full platter and then choose the best and most suitable one among all.
  • Go for customized designs: Customization is an important aspect and you can do that any time. If you are looking to buy diamond earrings, give importance to the customized section. Customized designs will allow your lady to wear a pair of earrings that no one would wear except her! This sounds surreal and she will be more than happy.
  • Protective back side: You are buying a precious stone. So try to give importance to the back of the earrings. The earrings back can be of Guardian Back, Screw Type, Push Back, or Friction Back. You need to protect the earrings from falling off the ear. So check the earrings back with the jeweller before finalizing the piece for your lady love.
  • Cut and Clarity: Cut and Clarity of the diamond matters a lot. If you are buying a golden engagement ring, then also the cut and settings of the precious stones attached with the ring matters a lot. In the case of diamonds, the cut matters the most as this will make sure how much bright the stone will look. Discuss this point with the jeweller and ask him the best piece of diamond he has with the best cut. Buy that for your lady love and she’ll be super happy!

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